As we open our front door we are joined by our good friend Takayo, she has volunteered to be our farm hand for rose harvest, she is also helping us with marketing, childrens homework and she makes a delicious cake.
Now with my red wheelborough we three make our way down to the rose fields where there is row after row of heavenly cented Damask Rose Bushes, all lined up like some kind of floral vineyard.
We pick for and hour and a half the Utako needs to walk back to the house to raise our two children, make school lunches and walk them down to the bus stop, my son and daughter yell a loud good by across the vally of rose and Takayo and i shoutback our own farewell.
Takayo and I pick for another hour, we share some of the roses with the sheep they eat them like I eat chocolat, with great delight. We have 3 hessian sacks full of hand picked Damask Roses, 20 kg in all. Have you ever smelt 8000 roses.
If youd like to come join us for a workshop, it pretty special.
I now head to the o150 years old wooden barn which houses our 200lt still, in fact its creating steam as write this, making our precious rose water and essential oil.